Papaya Leaf, The anti-cancer treatment

Papaya Leaf Papaya Tree

Papaya/Pawpaw apaya (Carica papaya) originates from tropical American countries. Today Papaya is cultivated in most tropical countries around the world.

The Papaya with the Latin name carica papaya is called Paw Paw in Australia and New Zealand. This is in no way related to the Paw Paw in North America that has the Latin name asimina tribola, though both are medicinal plants.

Papaya leaf juice is claimed to have reversed cancer in many people living on the Gold Coast in Australia. Harold W. Tietze in his book Papaya The Medicine Tree, describes how to make the juice and tells the stories of many cancer survivors who reportedly used the juice to get rid of their cancer.

The book contains the the following report that was published in the Gold Coast Bulletin. “PawPaw Cancer Plea Bears Fruit". Gold coast gardeners have responded to an appeal by cancer victims desperate to find supplies of pawpaw leaves. And the Gold Coast man who, 14 years ago, first exposed the leaves as a possible cure for cancer has been tracked down to a Labrador (Gold Coast) nursing home. The story of how Stan Sheldon cured himself of cancer by drinking the boiled extract of pawpaw leaves was first told in the Gold Coast Bulletin in 1978.

Now research in the United States has given scientific support to his claim, isolating a chemical compound in the pawpaw tree which is reported to be a million times stronger than the strongest anti-cancer drug. Mr Sheldon, says the discovery does not surprise him. “I was dying from cancer in both lungs when it was suggested to me as an old Aboriginal remedy” he said. “I tried it for two months and then I was required to have a chest x-ray during those compulsory TB checks they used to have. They told me both lungs were clear.” “I told my specialists and they didn’t believe me until they had carried out their own tests.” “Then they scratched their heads and recommended I carry on drinking the extract I boiled out of
the papaw leaves.”

That was in 1962. The cancer never recurred. Since then Mrs Sheldon has passed the recipe onto other cancer victims. “Sixteen of them were cured,” he said. Mr Sheldon’s involves boiling and simmering fresh pawpaw leaves and stems in a pan for two hours before draining and bottling the extract. He said the mixture could be kept in a refrigerator though it may ferment after three or four days.“

“One man has been growing papaws and giving away the leaves to cancer victims ever since he read the Bulletin’s original 1978 story about Mr Sheldon. “I have no doubt that it works,” he said. “I know people walking around now who should have been dead according to their original cancer diagnosis. But the pawpaw treatment helped them to beat the cancer.”

The recipe is as follows:
Wash and partly dry several medium-size papaya leaves. Cut them up like cabbage and place them in a saucepan with 2 quarts/ litres of water. Bring the water and leaves to the boil and simmer without a lid until the water is reduced by half.
Strain the liquid and bottle in glass containers.
The concentrate will keep in the refrigerator for three to four days. If it becomes cloudy, it should be discarded.

The recommended dosage in the original recipe is 3 Tablespoons/ 50ml three times a day. It is recommended to read Papaya The Medicine Tree for the interesting stories of "incurable” people who have used this extract to beat their cancer, and for other medicinal uses of papaya.

A letter from R.J.W.:
“… I was inspired to send some leaves to a few people dying from cancer. The first, a banana grower aged 40, had two operations on his bladder for cancer which did not prevent metastasis. I placed him on a very simple diet consisting of zero junk food, fresh living food with no preservatives, white flour, sugar, colourings or additives and told him to “stuff a handful of pawpaw leaves into a saucepan and fill with water. Boil, simmer for one hour and drink it till it comes out of your ears.” He did so and five weeks had no trace of cancer whatsoever.”

The leaves have also been reported successful used when dried and ground. The astonishing effects of the pawpaw have also been proved in tests on mice. The results were very impressive; tumors found in humans were being injected in mice and during treatment with papaw were disappearing.

Pawpaw twigs contain acetogenins - active compounds that modulate the production of ATP in mitochondria of specific cells - which affects the viability of specific cells and the growth of blood vessels that nourish them. A recent clinical study with over 100 participants showed that the pawpaw extract, containing a mixture of acetogenins, supports the body's normal cells during times of cellular stress.

Acetogenins found in pawpaw have been shown to have dramatic biological activity, being active against worms, some viruses, fungi, and many cancer cell lines. When compared with conventional chemotherapy agents, they have worked comparably in cell culture and animal studies, but at far lower concentrations and with almost no toxicity to host animals.

“Pawpaw is very effective on its own. It typically doesn't need any supporting supplements. There are however, products that may be used in increasing the pawpaw's effectiveness. The products are Noni, Immune Stimulator, Colostrums, and Protease Plus (especially when fighting a digestive tract or intestinal tumor).

However, pawpaw should not be used with any kind of thyroid stimulators (e.g.: KC-X) or with CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10). For cancer patients taking Laetrile, it is important to consume paw paw and pineapple each day, as the natural enzyme strips the coating on the cancer cells, so that the B17 in the kernels can work.”

According to Dr Chan, the body has a natural defence against cancer cells if the body is healthy with a strong digestive system. The pancreatic enzyme of a healthy digestive system can control cancerous tumours and was first recorded in 1906 by embryologist Dr. John Beard who wrote that pancreatic enzyme is one of the body's defences against cancer and would be useful as a cancer treatment. Dr Chan suggested that a healthy body with a healthy and strong digestive system would secrete the necessary pancreatic enzyme that would help inhibit the formation of cancerous cells. A cancer cell protects itself from the human immune system with a protein shell which can be dissolved by the pancreatic enzyme.

If that be so, how then can we get supplementary pancreatic enzymes if we need them? The answer to this is the remarkable papaya which has an enzyme called papain which aids the digestion of protein. Dr Chan pointed out that the beneficial effects of papaya is aready well-known amongst the indigenous peoples of the varous countries where papaya thrives; from its use as a contraceptive to its curative property for cancer.

In addition to papaya, Dr Chan also suggested that cancer could be in part caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B17, very much like scurvy is simply caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C. When purified for cancer treatment, Vitamin B17 is known as Laetrile. However, this is a banned substance in many countries including USA, UK and Malaysia because Vitamin B17 is related to cynide and is very toxic in the wrong dosage. However, Dr Chan contends that this is as close to a magic bullet for cancer as we will ever find. Laetrile is routinely administered in Mexico for the treatment of cancer. Fortunately, Vitamin B17 can be found naturally in many fruit seeds especially apricot seeds.

In summary, Dr Stallion Chan advocates the following approach to treating Cancer:

1. Strengthen the Digestive Sysytem.
As the first line of defence in the battle against Cancer, Dr Chan offers a prescription of restorative tonic to boost the digestive system. For now, the prescription is in Mandarin, in this PDF file, (updated) which most Chinese medical shops or "sin-seh" will know how to prepare from Dr Chan's prescription.

2. Collagen Therapy
Dr Chan said that the cancer cells, in their natural state, will spread very fast in the body. In order to slow down the growth and spreading of the tumour, it will be helpful to wrap the tumour in collagen to contain the cancerous cells, until the pancreatic enzymes or alternatively the enzyme from papaya and Vitamin B17 can destroy them. Collagen is a fibrous protein found in cartilage and other connective tissue. One way to supplement the collagen in the body is to consume animal cartilages, eg. shark cartilage.

3. Papaya Therapy
The papaya is an excellent source of enzymes, minerals and vitamins (A, C, B complex and E).
Boil 1 or 2 papaya leaves and simmer for about an hour, and drink the resulting soup/tea. The mature green papaya (ie. skin is green, but the flesh is already red) can be used whole with skin, flesh and seeds and blended, by itself or with other fresh fruits, to drink. The mature green papaya and seeds are also reputed to be able to get rid of undesirable parasites in the intestines.

4. Vitamin B17 Therapy
Dr Chan suggests eating apricot seeds both as a preventive therapy as well as part of the curative treatment for cancer.

As a preventive measure, one should consume about 7-10 seeds a day, and this can be gradually increased when used as part of a curative treatment.

Alternative Cancer Treatment: Cherries
Cherries contain the monoterpene perillyl alcohol, which can induce tumor cell death. In 1999, Michigan State University scientists found that cherries dark coloring material is an excellent source of antioxidants known as anthocyanins.

As a matter of fact, the antioxidant activity of tart black cherries is greater than that of vitamin E, the benchmark antioxidant. Dark colored cherries are very rich with a total of around 38 mg of anthocyanins in about 100gms fruit.

Cherries also have pain-relieving ingredients in them. Most of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and Vioxx work by inhibiting cox1 and cox2.

Cherries also contain a dose of cox inhibitors comparable to these over-the-counter pain relievers. Cox inhibitors are also being investigated closely for anti-cancer activity.

Cherries also contain very high levels of Melatonin. Melatonin is the body's natural way of regulating sleep and has some anti-cancer properties.

Considering all these facts, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) gave a grant to Johns Hopkins university in Baltimore to study the use of sour cherries in alleviating the pain of cancer.
Michigan is responsible for the production of over 80% of America's tart cherries. 2 teaspoons a day of concentrated cherry juice is a good dose. There are no side effects as with Aspirin or other NSAIDs.

Alternative Cancer Treatment: Cranberries

Cranberries have very good anti-cancer properties. This was proved by the researchers at the university of
Western Ontario. They found that regular consumption of cranberry products inhibited the growth of breast cancer tumors in animals.

Cranberries are a rich source of flavonoids. Flavonoids are a variety of compounds found in plants and this compound was investigated for it's anti-cancer activity.

Alternative Cancer Treatment: Papaya
Papaya is found widely in tropical American countries. Papaya leaf juice is claimed to have reversed cancer in many people living on the Gold Coast in Australia.

Harold W. Tieze in his popular book "Papaya - The Medicine Tree" describes how to make juice and relays the stories of many cancer survivors who used the juice to get rid of their cancer completely.

Papaya leaves can be dried and ground and used instead of the juice. The astonishing curable property of these leaves has been demonstrated in mice. Tumors found in humans were injected in mice and these mice were treated with Papaya and the tumors disappeared completely.

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