Save Earth

By the next 10 months, earth gets hotter by 4 degrees from now. 
The Himalayan glaciers are melting at a rapid rate.
So all of you lend your hands to fight Global Warming.

We have to take the following steps :

1) Plant more trees.

2) Don't waste water….Water is a precious resource.

3) Don't Use or Burn PLASTIC.

Hold back or go prepared to counter temptation with a cloth bag

Save our planet before it's too late….

1. Lights off.
....Turn off unused lights. This will conserve energy = less burning coals = save money.
.... Reducing coal burning will greatly slows down the increasing rate of global temperature.

2. One Tissue is Enough.....Try to grab one tissue only. Tissues are made from wood; less tissues for less deforestation.
....More trees = More CO2 absorption. Reducing the atmosphere carbon dioxide concentration will save Earth from Global Warming.
....Did you know that 5 soccer fields worth of trees are destroyed every minute? (

3. At least put them on Stand-By.....Try not to leave your computer/laptop on. At least put them on Stand-By.
....Did you know that your computer's memory and stand-by LED still consume energy on stand-by mode?

4. Plug it Off.....Stand-By Leeds consume energy too. Try to plug your electronic appliances such as TV and radio before you leave your house.
....This will greatly reduce the usage of coal for power generators.

5. A Drop of Water Means A Lot .....It takes a lot of time and energy to purify one drop. Try shorten your shower duration.
....Did you know that most of the water you use everyday does not come from naturally filtered water?

6. Get a water bottle instead of using the disposal ones.
....You can save a lot of money and plastic by having a water bottle.

7. Walk, Bike, Carpool......Try not to use your cars to reach destinations around walking distance.
.....This will greatly reduce fossil fuel usage. Save money :: Save Earth!

8. Print on Both Sides.
Try to use both sides of the paper. This will reduce world's paper usage up to 50%.
....Save trees = Reduce carbon dioxide = Save Earth!

9. Use Fan instead of AC......Try to use your AC only when the temperature outside is hot. This will reduce electricity usage and CFC production

10. Recycle.......Try to recycle things. Landfills produce Methane gases that are capable of absorbing heat 270 x more than CO2.
.....Did you know that they dump trashes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ?


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